I am halfway through summer quarter. Next week will be crazy as I finish up my 2 week intense Microbiology class. So far in class I have a 95%, which is great.
On Monday we have a quiz,
Tuesday we have a quiz, and we will read out our susceptibility tests in lab.
Wednesday we have a quiz.
Thursday is our lecture final and the lab final. That is 2 exams on the same day.
In addition to my work in Microbiology, I have Anatomy and Physiology too! Our midterm exam is due on Monday (it was take home).
Plus I have a full 40 hour work week.
Also on Monday I start a new fitness program, Kaia Fit at 5am!
I am looking forward to next weekend, to take a break and relax. Mr. Harer and I, are going camping up at Barton Flats and the Center Ice Arena ISI Open competition is on Sunday.
Ageist Figure Skating Bullies
4 years ago